When ordered to shelter-in-place:
- Bring family / friends and pets into the pre-selected room. Account for everyone
- Access your emergency supply kit
- Close and lock all windows and doors. Seal the opening at the bottom of the door
with towels if possible
- Turn off heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems (HVAC)
- Turn off vent fans and any other device that moves air. An exception to this might be
an air purifier incorporating high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters
- Seal windows, doors, and vents with pre-cut plastic and duct tape. Tape all edges
down all the way around
- Contact family or friends to notify them of the location. Then do not use the
telephone so that phone lines will be available for emergency responders
- Monitor radio, TV and internet (if possible) for updates
- Remain sheltered in place until told that it is safe or ordered to evacuate