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Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place Training > Public Officials
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SARA Plan: The SARA Plan is a plan for emergency response to hazmat incidents. The County Staff provides the vulnerability zones in this document as a part of its annual update of the SARA Plan. Facilities are required to provide updated information to the County annually.

Computer-aided management of emergency operations (CAMEO):This suite of three computer programs is free and available to all responders. All hazmat teams in Cuyahoga County have it loaded on their computers in their response vehicles, and each hazmat team has specialists who are well-versed in its use.

Fire Department Pre-Plans: Facilities that use and store EHS are required to coordinate on the local level with the local jurisdiction fire department. Most fire departments in Cuyahoga County create pre-plans for these facilities. These pre-plans contain information about the hazards in each facility and what the fire department will do in the event of a release at the facility.

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