Interactive Illustration of the Anatomy of a Pigeon Skeleton
![illustration of a pigeon skeleton with the cranium highlighted](images/learningObjects/Pigeon_1.jpg)
I created this interactive anatomical illustration of a pigeon skeleton for an ornithology course website. I drew the bones in Adobe Illustrator, using a photograph I took of a laboratory speciman, and imported the Illustrator file into Flash, where I added the interactivity and color coding. When a user clicks on the name of a bone, the selected stated of the button shows the text as a bolder yellow with a drop shadow, and the bone turns red.
![illustration of a pigeon skeleton with the Thoracic Vertebrae highlighted](images/learningObjects/Pigeon_2.jpg)
![illustration of a pigeon skeleton with the Ischium highlighted](images/learningObjects/Pigeon_3.jpg)